Why Fans Think Billie Eilish Just Came Out

On Twitter, some people are accusing Billie Eilish of queer baiting with her post saying that she "loves" girls. Queer baiting, perPink News, is when a show, movie, or here, a singer hint at LGBTQ relationships between characters or in their content but never actually show same sex relationships or own their queerness. It's harmful

On Twitter, some people are accusing Billie Eilish of queer baiting with her post saying that she "loves" girls. Queer baiting, per Pink News, is when a show, movie, or here, a singer hint at LGBTQ relationships between characters or in their content but never actually show same sex relationships or own their queerness. It's harmful to the LGBTQ community, because it attempts to draw in that audience without ever actually representing them. So, if it turns out that Eilish is in fact straight after her post, some fans will be unhappy with her choice of words and imagery. 

One person wrote, "If billie eilish isn't attracted to women shes straight up queer baiting at this point." Another added, "Is billie Eilish gonna come out, since she posted a pic saying I love girls , cuz if she says she straight she full on just queer baiting." One other person snarked, "Billie Eilish queer baiting during pride? Ground breaking." She was also accused of queer baiting in 2019 for her song "Wish You Were Gay," per Insider

Still others were defending the performer, noting that some may be seeing queer baiting when the music video and post was more about an appreciation of her besties, which is entirely possible. That's likely the case given that Eilish has always stated that she's straight in interviews, per Net Line. Still, there's layers to this controversy. 

