WA: Pics show fire devastation in Woodridge

Pictures of the aftermath of a suspicious house fire have been released as police investigate if arson is to blame. Emergency services were called to the property at Woolly Bush Loop, Woodridge, about 75km north of Perth, at about 8.25am on Sunday.

Pictures of the aftermath of a suspicious house fire have been released as police investigate if arson is to blame.

Emergency services were called to the property at Woolly Bush Loop, Woodridge, about 75km north of Perth, at about 8.25am on Sunday.

Two adults and three children who were at home at the time managed to escape the flames unharmed as their home and four vehicles were gutted.

Investigators believe the cause of the fire to be suspicious, with police detectives from Northam examining the scene.

They would like to hear from anyone who saw any suspicious people or vehicles in the area around Woolly Bush Loop between 7am and 9am Sunday.

Reports can be made to Crime Stoppers by phoning 1800 333 000 or via online.

Anyone with dashcam or mobile phone vision of the area at the time can upload the footage directly to police here.

“Rewards of up to $25,000 are available for information that leads to the identification and conviction of an arsonist,” said police in a statement.

