The Truth Behind Those Stay-at-Home Girlfriend TikToks

Stay-at-home girlfriend videos have become popular on TikTok as many aspire to achieve that lifestyle. But behind the camera, these women appear to struggle. OK, weve heard of stay-at-home mom, but stay-at-home girlfriend? That's a new one, for sure. However, as we know, literally anything is possible on TikTok.

Stay-at-home girlfriend videos have become popular on TikTok as many aspire to achieve that lifestyle. But behind the camera, these women appear to struggle.

Kelly Corbett - Author

OK, we’ve heard of stay-at-home mom, but stay-at-home girlfriend? That's a new one, for sure. However, as we know, literally anything is possible on TikTok.

As of late, a barrage of videos have included the hashtag #stayathomegirlfriend. And in many of these videos, the creator will take viewers through their daily routine of being a so-called stay-at-home girlfriend.

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While there isn't an official definition for stay-at-home girlfriend, the title infers that this woman does not have to work a job because her partner makes enough money to support them. Therefore, a typical day for a stay-at-home girlfriend may consist of, well, staying at home and/or running errands. So far, every stay-at-home girlfriend to go viral on TikTok has been in a heterosexual relationship with a man.

We take a look at some examples below.

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So many stay-at-home girlfriend TikToks show women catering their lives around their boyfriend.

Some folks are jealous after watching TikTok videos of stay-at-home girlfriends, because let's face it — spending a relaxing day at home sounds a lot better than going to work. But others find it sad that these women are relying on their boyfriends to support them.

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In many of these videos, the girlfriend's routine will consist of her waking up, making coffee, drinking some type of green juice, tidying up the bedroom, journaling, doing laundry, working out, etc. It seems like their main goal every day is to take care of their appearance while completing minimal housework/running small errands for their man.

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In the comment sections of these videos, many users will question the women on whether or not this is their actual routine or a joke. And what seems like an easy life actually becomes quite somber as these women are taking the backseat in their own lives.

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To prove this point, user @geemcgwee used dark humor to nod to the fact that stay-at-home girlfriends almost appear to be controlled and trapped by their boyfriends. In one scene, she says her boyfriend leaves her a white pill every morning to take that she appears to know nothing about.

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Furthermore, she notes that she has no concept of time and for the rest of the day will just stare out a window.

TikToker zooms in on the journal entry of a stay-at-home girlfriend ... and it's actually kind of sad.

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In a video, @1000mgibuprofen reported her findings. "I decided to screenshot [Kendal's' planner because I was so curious as to what she could possibly be planning for." As she took a closer look, she realized that Kendal had jotted down some self-reflections and had listed the following thoughts: "unsatisfied with my looks," "stagnation in my career/ satisfaction/ fulfillment," and "lack of fun social life/excitement."

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@1000mgibuprofen was quick to point out that behind this upbeat, perfectly-curated TikTok created by a woman who appeared to have a very glossy life, there was actually a woman who was struggling with her self-image.

In the comment section, many users felt sorry for the girl. In fact, one user who claimed to have previously been a stay-at-home girlfriend said she "never felt more isolated."

It goes to show that the stay-at-home girlfriend life isn't as fulfilling as they portray it on social media.

