Ranting and Raving Like a Lunatic: Donald Trump Exposes New York Attorney General Letitia Jame

Despite being under a gag order, Donald Trump held a press conference in the hallway of his fraud civil trial in Manhattan after sharing an article containing the address of New York Attorney General Letitia James on social media.

Despite being under a gag order, Donald Trump held a press conference in the hallway of his fraud civil trial in Manhattan after sharing an article containing the address of New York Attorney General Letitia James on social media.

According to MeidasTouch Network, Trump shared James’ address in an article first posted by conservative activist Laura Loomer on Substack. Trump has attacked James repeatedly on social media, and the NY attorney general has since been the victim of death threats. The twice-impeached former president also verbally attacked James before entering the courtroom on Oct. 17.

The angry ex-president called James a lunatic and accused her of defrauding the public despite being under multiple gag orders, including one that prohibits from commenting publicly about court staffers, issued by state Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron earlier this month.

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“This is an attorney general, Letitia, that went out and campaigned on ‘I will get Trump, I will get Trump no matter what,'” said Trump. “People took tapes of her because they couldn’t believe her ranting and raving like a lunatic. This is the attorney general of New York State, Leticia James, and she shouldn’t be allowed to be attorney general. She’s defrauded the public with this trial.”

James is pursuing civil damages against the former president, his sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, and his real estate company, The Trump Organization, for conspiring to defraud banks and insurance companies by lying about the worth of his business assets. Outside the courtroom, the disgraced president claimed Mar-a-Lago was worth $1.5 billion. According to Forbes, the property is worth $325 million.

Trump — who incited the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol in Washington, D.C. that resulted in the deaths of five people — wrote on Truth Social on Tuesday, “America cannot let this happen.”

Trump, back at court in NYC this morning, viciously attacks AG James, who he describes at "ranting and raving like a lunatic." He also claims Mar-a-Lago is "the most expensive house, probably, in the world" and adds that it's worth as much as $1.5 billion. pic.twitter.com/4azPwKpBXR

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 17, 2023

Trump has also repeatedly attacked James on social media, calling her “racist,” a “monster,” “incompetent,” and “Letitia ‘Peekaboo’ James.” James responded to Trump’s attacks on Oct. 4, saying she will not be bullied.

“Trump’s comments were offensive, they were baseless, they were void of any facts and or any evidence,” she said. “What they were were comments that, unfortunately, fomented violence and comments that I would describe as race-baiting. Comments, unfortunately, that appeals to the bottom of our humanity.”

“I will not be bullied, and so Mr. Trump is no longer here,” she added. “The Donald Trump show is over. This was nothing more than a political stunt.”

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis — who indicted Trump on charges of election interference in Georgia — was also verbally attacked by Trump on social media, leading her home address to be leaked by his supporters.

The district attorney, her husband, her children and her 80-year-old father were also threatened after their private information was doxxed. The DA was also called a “slave whore” by one Trump supporter. Willis told Atlanta station WSB-TV that she is repeatedly harassed and called racial slurs multiple times.

“I’m receiving phone calls and emails and communications that are derogatory in nature,” she noted. “They don’t always state what the reason is that they’re calling. But I’ve probably been called the N-word more times in the last two-and-a-half years than most — a hundred people combined.”

U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan — the federal judge overseeing Donald Trump’s election interference case in Washington, D.C.— was also threatened by a Texas woman who supports Trump. Abigail Jo Shry, 43, left a voicemail threatening to kill Chutkan back in August and called her a slave.

Despite his legal issues, Trump is the current frontrunner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Read the original story here.

