Kristen Stewarts Sex is Awful Even On Camera Sam Riley Disses Trampire

I almost feel bad for Kristen Stewart, almost. She has really seen her name dragged through the mud the last several months, mainly because of her bad behavior. Even in Hollywood, busting up a marriage makes you a dirtball, at least temporarily. She seems to have kinda sorta wormed her way back into Robert Pattinsons

Kristen Stewart’s Sex is Awful Even On Camera – Sam Riley Disses Trampire

I almost feel bad for Kristen Stewart, almost. She has really seen her name dragged through the mud the last several months, mainly because of her bad behavior. Even in Hollywood, busting up a marriage makes you a dirtball, at least temporarily. She seems to have kinda sorta wormed her way back into Robert Pattinson’s bed and she has locked down a part in the Snow White sequel, so she is clearly rebounding from the scarlet letter she’s had on her forehead for a while.

Celebs need to expect the unexpected but I have to wonder if Kristen saw the latest low blow even coming. Sam Riley starred with the actress in On The Road and recently told Elle magazine that he had a really hard time going through with the sex scenes with Kristen that the film required. In fact to add insult to injury, he said that his attitude when it came to getting dirty with the actress was to “get it done as quickly as possible.”

Well. I have to think a statement like that is like a death blow to any actress’ ego, wouldn’t you say?  I mean, you’re given a free pass to get close to a usually very attractive co-star, all in the name of work. Wanting to get it over with quickly, especially on behalf of a guy seems pretty bad. Why was it so awful? If they were friends or even friendly then I’d think a decent comfort level would already exist and that would make it quite a bit better.

Sam makes it sound like they weren’t on decent terms and he couldn’t get out of there fast enough! Not that I blame him. Of all the actresses’ to have a sex scene with, Kristen can’t be THAT high on anyone’s list, can she? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

