Kim Kardashian Mistakenly Tags Wrong Twitter Account

Kim Kardashian is renowned for her posts on social media, particularly her recent topless photos posted to Twitter. However, some tweets have caught the attention of the public recently and have become the source of a hilarious mistake.

Kim Kardashian is renowned for her posts on social media, particularly her recent topless photos posted to Twitter. However, some tweets have caught the attention of the public recently and have become the source of a hilarious mistake.

Mert Alas is a well known fashion photographer who works closely with famous friends such as Kim Kardashian and Miley Cyrus. However, instead of Kim tagging her friend Mert Alas in her photographs alongside other famous friends, she has been tagging 17 year old Mert Alas from Turkey! Oops!

LOVE & LIGHT @mertalas

— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) February 3, 2015

The subtle difference between their usernames is that the photographer’s own Twitter handle uses a capital ‘i’ in place of an L to disguise the fact ‘@mertalas’ was unavailable. Very sneaky!

Over time, Kim unknowingly tagging the teenage boy in her posts has resulted in him being tweeted several times by other celebrities wishing to contact the photographer.

Although Kim has fallen ‘victim’ the most to this mistaken tagging, it was Miley Cyrus back in 2014 who first tagged the wrong Twitter username, seen in the tweet below.

Coming soon in @wmag "bed time portraits By @mertalas & @macpiggott" so xxxited check it out 2 see the real deal??

— Miley Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) February 6, 2014

Despite replying to Kim Kardashian’s several tweets and trying to explain he is not in fact the fashion photographer Mert Alas, he continues to be repeatedly tagged in photos as Kim appears to still have not noticed her mistake.

LA LOVE! I love when they come to my home town! @carineroitfeld @mertalas

— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) March 21, 2016

Since being tagged repeatedly, Mert Alas, the Turkish teenager, has gathered an impressive 2,000 followers and continues to gain more with each accidental mention.

When asked by a follower if he was becoming annoyed with the repeated mentions and thousands of retweets bombarding his notifications, he replied with “I’m getting used to it.” Oh how we’d love for celebrities to always tweet us!

Instead, Mert Alas appears to be finding joy in the mistakes. He even recently tweeted out a ‘manip’ of himself next to Kim Kardashian.

What do you make of this funny mishap? Have you ever tweeted a wrong account unknowingly? Tweet us at @CelebMix or comment below to let us know! 

