Jazz Mino Tackles Mental Health Issues With Her Releases

You know you are doing everything right as an artist when, early on in your career, BBC Radio 1 decides to play your song and an acclaimed DJ like Oliver Nelson gives your track a nice little remix. Even if you havent fully realized it by that point, you really should know that you are

You know you are doing everything right as an artist when, early on in your career, BBC Radio 1 decides to play your song and an acclaimed DJ like Oliver Nelson gives your track a nice little remix. Even if you haven’t fully realized it by that point, you really should know that you are doing your absolute best when Spotify keeps adding your tracks to the top of their playlists.

Such is the case with the artist we would like to get you acquainted with today. Her name is Jazz Mino and she is an upcoming singer-songwriter from the UK who is currently creating some serious buzz with her multi-single campaign. Over the last couple of months, she has provided us not only with one or two but with four brand new tracks.

The best thing about them? Her songs are a mixture of things: they serve as extremely catchy pop songs (we personally cannot decide which one we like the most) and they also serve as a greater good, so to say. For each one of her releases, Mino chose a certain theme in order to highlight and reflect a specific mental health issue.

Sounds great, right?

Well, let’s take her most acclaimed tracks as an example, so you get to know her concept even better. Late last year, Jazz Mino debuted “Crush”, a chilled and slightly glitchy deep-house rendition of Jennifer Paige’s classic record, as a part of her Orange campaign. The song turned out to be quite the success and quickly managed to climb the Spotify Viral charts, ending up in several playlists and being picked up by several outlets. For this specific release, Mino wanted to center her focus on anything related to overcoming anxiety. During promotion of the track, she mentioned in an interview that, for her, the color orange is the perfect representant for this matter as she associates only positive things with it. And which color would be better suited to propel a message of feeling confident and being less anxious than one that is 150 percent positive?

Give yourself a confidence boost and listen to the track right here:

After orange came violet and after violet, we are currently feeling blue (not literally though).

To put it in songs: since “Crush”, Jazz Mino has debuted two more tracks. “Together In Electric Dreams” served as her violet campaign. Her latest track “Warriors” started the blue era which focuses primarily on finding inner strength and self-confidence. Packed with self-reassuring and uplifting lyrics, Mino’s latest release again showcases her talent to not only write inspiring lyrics but to also create an insanely catchy electro-pop song.

Talking about her latest track Jazz Mino says that she was inspired to write it as she felt that the last year was filled with bad news for everyone. “For me, Warriors is all about standing together and knowing no matter how bad things can seem: your true friends have got your back and will help you through anything.”

And we can absolutely hear that message loud and clear with every beat of the song.

Find your inner strength by listening to “Warriors”:

Or watch her latest video here:


It is no wonder that next to becoming one of the most promising pop stars, Jazz Mino has also reached a certain ambassador status. Along with her music, the singer-songwriter is currently traveling around schools in Great-Britain in order to talk to children about mental health, being aware of it and supporting others when dealing with mental health issues. She has also partnered with companies such as Lush to promote the positive message she wants to convey with her music.

We at CelebMix are definitely looking forward to what the future has in store for Jazz Mino and wish her just the best!

All of Jazz Mino’s tracks are available for purchase and streaming on the digital retailer/platform of your choice.
Be sure to follow her on Facebook or on Instagram to never miss an update or to simply have some more positive influence in your life.

What do you think about Jazz Mino’s music? Do you like her mission to spread awareness about mental health issues? Tell us all about it by either reacting down below or by tweeting us @CelebMix.

