Does Jessica Simpsons hair look really fried & over- processed to anyone else?

Here are some photos of Ashlee and Jessica Simpson making a joint appearance at the Macys in Costa Mesa, California. They were promoting Jessicas clothing line, for which Ashlee has some kind of role or something? I think Jessica lets Ashlee design the tween part of the Jessica Simpson Collection.

Here are some photos of Ashlee and Jessica Simpson making a joint appearance at the Macy’s in Costa Mesa, California. They were promoting Jessica’s clothing line, for which Ashlee has some kind of role or something…? I think Jessica lets Ashlee design the “tween” part of the Jessica Simpson Collection.

I don’t really want to talk about Jessica’s weight at this point. I think she looks fine at this point. We don’t have any full-body shots of her at this event, but you can see some here. She looks… the same. She’s top-heavy and Weight Watchers isn’t going to change that. What I really want to talk about is how awful Jessica’s hair looks in these photos. Jessica used to have good hair for a (bottle) blonde, didn’t she? I don’t know much about blondes and blonde-maintenance, but I do know when hair LOOKS healthy and when it looks like overprocessed straw. I swear, Jessica’s hair used to look a lot healthier than this. She used to have a really nice, sunny blonde shade that looked healthy. I think she’s gone lighter (blonder?) and she’s not taking care of it. And just know this: THIS has happened post-Ken Paves. Ken Paves used to be her BFF/hair guru. They were inseparable. Then they had a falling out. And now Jessica’s hair looks like crap. I wonder if Paves is the don of the gay hair-stylist mafia?

Also: here’s a photo of Jessica and Eric on Friday in Beverly Hills. Her body looks fine to me. I swear, I think she’s basically back to where she was before she got pregnant.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

