'Creepy' Grey Man of Ben Macdui 'spotted' as legend makes sightings board at Mar Lodge

One of the most famous tales in Scottish mountaineering lore, the big Grey Man is said to be a terrifying figure that stalks the slopes of Ben Macdui. The giant creature has caused even vastly experienced climbers to suffer feelings of eeriness, fright and has even induced panic.

One of the most famous tales in Scottish mountaineering lore, the big Grey Man is said to be a terrifying figure that stalks the slopes of Ben Macdui. The giant creature has caused even vastly experienced climbers to suffer feelings of eeriness, fright and has even induced panic.

And it seems it might have made a return to the mountain it calls home after a guest at Mar Lodge shared their story to a wildlife sighting board. A post on the lodge's official Facebook page read: "Our ranger hut has a whiteboard where visitors to the estate can let us know what wildlife they've seen.

"Most of the time it's the usual mix of squirrels, adders, eagles and of course, midges....but look what was spotted up on Ben Macdui on 27th September."

The spooked guest had written that they had spotted a 'creepy grey silhouette' at the peak of Ben Macdui.

Read more: Sightings of terrifying Scots 'Big Grey Man' could be caused by 'rare alien atmospheric anomaly'

The Grey Man of Ben MacDui

Am Fear Liath Mòr or the Grey Man of Ben MacDui is a terrifying presence which is said to stalk the climbers of this beautiful Scottish mountain.

Most famously, notable climber Professor J Norman Collie experienced his own encounter with the mysterious spectre in 1891 that caused him to be "seized with terror" and left him with no doubt that he would never return.

Typically felt as a set of thumping, crunching footsteps following in their path at the misty summit, climbers say that to come across the Grey Man is a truly petrifying experience.

Perhaps most horrific is the fact that very few people have ever actually seen the creature - or at least lived to tell the tale.

Possible explanations

A rare trick of the light and shadow at the top of a mountain, Brocken Spectres have often been blamed for sightings of the Grey Man.

The effect is produced when the sun hits the mist and magnifies a person’s elongated shadow on clouds, mist, and fog. This gives the impression of a giant person emerging from the mist below.

However, the keen-eyed among you might have noticed that the person's sighting took place in the evening meaning there was unlikely to be sunlight causing such an effect.

Perhaps someone well versed in the legend was having a little fun.

What do you think? Do you believe in the Grey Man? Or have you had your own encounter? Let us know below.

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