Bristol Palin is not Afraid to Share her Faith on Twitter

Bristol Palin became a household name when her mother was running for office and she announced she was pregnant with her first child. She was only a teenager at the time and the scandal was a big one. Most people assumed that perhaps Sarah Palin would raise her grandson on her own, but she chose

Bristol Palin

Bristol Palin became a household name when her mother was running for office and she announced she was pregnant with her first child. She was only a teenager at the time and the scandal was a big one. Most people assumed that perhaps Sarah Palin would raise her grandson on her own, but she chose not to do so and her daughter made the decision to raise her own son. So far, despite being a teen mom and not maintaining a relationship with her son’s father, she’s managed to do a pretty decent job as a teen mother in her young 20s. Many would have expected her to get into too much trouble, to fail her family and to attempt to live the life she missed out on becoming a teenage mother. So far, she seems to have maintained her ground and kept a good head on her shoulders. She’s an advocate for things she sees as important. When we took a look at Bristol Palin’s Twitter page, we fully expected to see that it was filled with typical young-20s things, maybe a little drama, a little fashion and some serious crushing on celeb boys, but we were surprised to see her page is not at all like we thought. In fact, she seems to spend more time sharing stories of righteousness and faith than anything, and we kind of love that.

And what a great story this is, and it’s nice that someone is standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and the words that belong in it at all times.

This is a touchy subject, but it really is a bit of a ridiculous notion to arrest a woman for this. In my humble opinion, to each his own. I know that I could not abort a child I carried, but I’ve also never been assaulted or put in a situation in which the child I’m carrying is one that I was not planning for; so I believe each situation has special circumstances.

Complete insanity. Take the divorce and go, sir.

Photo by Laura Segall/ Getty Images

